Online Privacy Guide for Journalists 2017
▼ フィリップ・K・ディック著「アルベマス」。主人公である反政府活動家が官憲から袋叩きになっている間に、ノーマークだった人物が大衆の洗脳を緩和するストーリー。主人公は本人が意識していなかったとはいえ「囮(おとり)」の役目を立派に果たした。 ▼
『アルベマス』(Radio Free Albemuth) P. K. ディック著、大瀧啓裕訳、
SF 作家の フィリップ・K・ディックとレコード店で働くニコラス・ブレディ は友人である。 時代は正に獣数字 666 (= F. F.F.) を頭文字に持った男、 フェリス・F・フレマウントが大統領になろうとしていた。
この世は自分が創造主であると誤解している狂った神性の支配 する世界であると。
体勢に迎合するような SF を書くことを拒否したディックは刑務所の中で、サブリミナル・メッセージ入りの音楽を耳にする。ニコラスらは、おとりの役をさせられていたのだ。
☆Radio Free Albemuth ~ Plot summary
In this alternate history, the corrupt United States president Ferris F. Fremont (FFF for 666, ‘F’ being the 6th letter in the alphabet) becomes Chief Executive in the late 1960s following Lyndon Johnson's administration. The character is best described as an amalgam of Joseph McCarthy and Richard Nixon, who abrogates civil liberties and human rights through positing a conspiracy theory centered on a (presumably) fictitious subversive organization known as "Aramchek". In addition to this, he is associated with a right-wing populist movement called "Friends of the American People" (FAPers).
As with VALIS, Radio Free Albemuth deals with Dick's highly personal style of Christianity (or Gnosticism). It further examines the moral and ethical repercussions of informing on trusted friends for the authorities. Also prominent is Dick's dislike of the Republican Party, satirizing Nixon's America as a Stalinist or neo-fascist police state. Fremont eventually captures and imprisons Dick and Brady after the latter attempts to produce and distribute a record that contains subliminal messages of revolt against the current dictatorship. Brady and Silvia are executed, and Dick narrates the concluding passage about his life in a concentration camp, where his supposedly latest work is actually penned by a ghost writer and regime-approved hack. Suddenly, however, he hears music blaring from a transistor radio which contains the same subliminal message. He and his friends, it turns out, were just a decoy set up by VALIS to detour the government from stopping a much more popular A-List band from releasing a similar record with a better-established recording company. As Dick realizes this and hears youngsters repeating the lyrics, he realizes that salvation may lie within the hearts and minds of the next generation.